Professional background
Since 2021, I am appointed as an Assistant Professor at Tilburg University, Research Group Centre for Social Influence (Department of Communication and Cognition). After completing my Ph,D in Communication Sciences at Antwerp University in 2016, I coordinated the interdisciplinary research project AdLit (Ghent University). In Tilburg, I conduct research on marketing and social media and teach within the Business and Digital Media track.
I am a Belgian working in the Netherlands and I am married to Frederik Bové, who has been my soulmate and inspiration for almost 20 years. We have two amazing children and a hilarious cat. While I tend to disclose as little as possible of my children online (especially being a sharenting researcher), my cat has its own Instagram page showcasing all his wild adventures.
As a child, I was interested in science (mostly astronomy), technology and mathematics. On a personal level, this interest led to meeting my (then future) husband at the public observatory Urania. Professionally I moved away from the beta sciences, to pursue a path that aligned more with my talent to understand how people communicate. Still, my interest in science and technology has remained, and even incorporated in my work, with revolves around understanding digital media’s impact on our society. Since 2019, I am actively involved in the organization of Fri3d Camp, a Belgian two-yearly hacker camp in Belgium, aimed at families with children.
After more than thirty years living as a coach-potato, I have embraced a sportive lifestyle. I am addicted to CrossFit, for which I train at least three times a week. The combination of high-intensity exercises, weightlifting and gymnastics has made me more fit than I could have ever imagined, both physically and mentally. If I am not doing CrossFit, I may also be running or spinning. My active lifestyle has given me highly valuable insights into the world of fitness influencers and has reminded me that social media might also contribute to positive insights.